LS ADRIATIC d.o.o. travel agency
We are very respectful of the environment and places where we are.
Experience in private accommodation, travel, transfers, excursions, and turist guide in Dubrovnik.
Hope to meet to share our experiences !
Enjoy your stay in Croatia.
Excursions & Transfers & Gulet charter - Dubrovnik
Capt.Nikola Lasic
Phone / Fax : +385 (0) 20 420 392
Mob: +385 (0) 98 914 16 58
Apartments and villas accommodation - Dubrovnik
Lidia Lasic
Mob: +385 (0) 98 480 742 Skype: LsAdriatic
Daniel Soic
Mob: +385 (0) 98 220 260

LS ADRIATIC d.o.o. turistička agencija
Rudimira Rotera 14, 20 000 Dubrovnik Croatia
ID kod: HR-AB-20-060031032
OIB 36673410985
MBS 060031032
VAT HR36673410985
IBAN HR1024070001100304726
OTP banka d.d.
Domovinskog rata 3, 23 000 Zadar, Hrvatska
LS ADRIATIC d.o.o. turistička agencija
Osnovano 1994 godine. Trgovacki sud u Splitu OU 131/95
Temeljni kapital 24.400 uplacen u cjelosti
Osnivači/članovi društva
Lidia Lasić - Nikola Lasić
Travel Insurance
The price of accommodation facility booked through the Agency does not cover insurance of any kind. If the Client wants insurance, it must be bought directly from a private insurance company.
In accordance with the Act on the Provision of Tourism Services, Agency has concluded with the insurance company Eurohertz Osiguranje number 802249525. (joint stock company), a Liability Insurance Contract for damages caused to a passenger by failure to meet obligations or by partially or inconsistently meeting obligations. Client is informed of the content of the valid Liability Insurance Contract and by signing the Travel Contract the Passenger shall confirm to have been informed of the content of the stated Insurance Contract.
Obavjest o nacinu prigovora potrosaca - Complains
Sukladno odredbi čl.6. St.1.toč.3. zakona o pružanju usluga u turizmu NN br. 130/17 pisani prigovor potrošača mogu podnijeti u pisanom obliku na sljedeću adresu:
Based on Regulations all complains you can send to this adress
LsAdriatic d.o.o., Rudimira Rotera 14, 20000 Dubrovnik
ili putem e-maila: / or by e mail
Na Vaše prigovor odgovorit ćemo unutar 15 dana od dana primitka istog, pisanim putem. Molimo Vas da u prigovoru navedete svoje ime i prezime i važeću adresu za dostavu odgovora.
On your complain we will reply in 15 days period. Please insert your full name, adress and e-mail.
Nadzor nad posovanjem agencije obavlja turisticka inspekcija ministarstva turizma.
Terms and conditions
LsAdriatic (hereinafter: the Agency) provides accommodation and related services according to information available on our web site / advertisement / brochure. Unless otherwise stated, the Total amount includes : tourist TAX, bed linen, water, electricity and bathroom towels (not beach towels), and air conditioning (where this is available). An advance payment, is necessary to confirm the booking. The Agency shall confirm the booking once the advance payment is registered on our account. When the Advance payment is received, the Client will receive an email Receipt/Voucher from LsAdriatic confirming the payment. The Receipt/Voucher must be printed out by the Client and presented upon arrival. The final payment is to be paid as specified in this Accommodation Services Agreement. In case of subsequent cancellations of a confirmed booking, the Agency shall keep a part of the advance payment to cover costs related to the booking, as stated under
“Client’s Right to Changes and Cancellations.”
Description and standard
The accommodation facilities specified on the Agency’s web site/advertisement/brochure are described according to the official evaluation conducted by relevant local tourist authorities of Croatia and the owner of the accommodation. The Agency has inspected the accommodation facilities when this was possible. The Agency does not own the offered accommodation facilities and cannot be held responsible in case of inaccurate description of the standard, distances, position/location or writing errors on our web-site and/or any additional marketing material. However, if any inaccurate information is discovered, the Agency would like to be notified as soon as possible.
The Agency rights to change and cancelation
The Agency reserves the right to modify or cancel booked accommodation in case of force majeure situations or other factors that could not have been foreseen or avoided prior to, or during the stay. The booked accommodation facility can in such cases, with the Client’s consent, be replaced with an alternative accommodation facility. Any alternative accommodation facility offered shall in that case hold the same, or higher standard than originally booked accommodation facility and be offered at the same price as the original booking. If there is only accommodation of higher standard available and the price exceeds the price of the originally booked accommodation by 10% or more, the Agency reserves the right to charge the Client the difference with prior consent of the Client. In cases where alternative accommodation is unavailable, the Agency reserves the right to cancel the booking. Notice of such cancellation shall be given no less than 7 days before arrival. The Agency shall in such cases return the entire advance amount to the Client.
The Agency shall not be responsible for any destroyed, lost or damaged luggage, nor for theft of luggage or valuables from the accommodation unit (we recommend to rent a safe deposit box if available, or to acquire travel insurance that covers theft). Lost or stolen luggage should be reported to the accommodation facility owner or the nearest local police authority.
In the event of dispute that might arise from the Accommodation Services Agreement and these Terms and Conditions that are a constituent part thereof, the parties agree to make a good faith effort to resolve the dispute to mutual agreement. In the event that the dispute arising from the provisions of the Accommodation Services Agreement, and therefore from the provisions of these General Terms and Conditions, cannot be settled through mutual agreement, the parties agree that the dispute shall fall under the
jurisdiction of the court in Dubrovnik and Croatian law.
Clients obligation
•To be in possession of valid travel documents.
•To comply with Customs rules and regulations regarding import or export of currency under relevant laws of the Republic of Croatia.
•To agree to house rules in accommodation facilities and accept suggestions of the host made in good will.
•To present the confirmation of paid booking (Voucher received by e-mail) to the agent or owner of the accommodation facility.
•Not to accommodate other guests in the accommodation facility apart from those stated herein.
•To verify whether it is necessary for themselves or any other member of their party to obtain an entry visa for the Republic of Croatia.
•By confirming the booking, the Client agrees to report to and reimburse the host for any damages caused to the accommodation facility (including furniture and kitchenware) during the stay.
Clients rights to change and cancelation
The Client has the right to change or cancel the booking in writing (by e-mail ). If changes in the booking are not possible, and the Client for this or other reasons chooses to cancel the booking, the following rules shall apply:
• For reservations that are cancel more than 50 days prior to the date of arrival, the Agency shall keep the advance payment to cover administration costs.
• For cancellations from 50 to 36 days prior to the date of arrival, the Agency shall charge/invoice the Client for 50% of the total amount of accommodation services.
• For cancellations 35 days or less prior to the date of arrival, the Agency shall charge/invoice the Client for 100% of the total accommodation services amount.
• If the costs exceed the above amounts, the Agency reserves the right to charge/invoice the Client for the actual costs.
• By confirming the booking and paying the advance payment for the accommodation, the Client irrevocably confirms that he/she understands and accepts the above conditions.
Please note
• Unless otherwise stated, check in time is from 14:00 and no later than 24:00 pm. Checkout time is until 10:00 am.
• If the Client requires check-in or check-out time outside of the above period, or in case of delays, the Client should contact the Agency’s and inform them about arrival or departure time or delays. In case of delays on arrival longer than 24 hours - without notification - the Agreement shall be considered as cancelled.
• The owner of the accommodation facility or the Agency’s local representative is responsible to hand the key to the Client on arrival. The Client is responsible to return the key to the owner of the accommodation facility or the Agency’s representative or to leave the key on an agreed upon location on departure.
• The Client is responsible to transfer the accommodation facility back in the same condition as it was on arrival (except for final cleaning). The accommodation facility shall be cleared, trash emptied and removed and dishes